As the academic year draws to a close, we stand on the threshold of a momentous occasion: commencement. It is a time when we come together in community to celebrate the achievements of our graduating students, to honor their dedication and perseverance, and to recognize the collective efforts of our colleges and the District. It’s my favorite celebration of the year, and, as Chancellor, I have the distinct honor of attending all three commencements! I love all of it: the pomp & circumstance, the names being read, the smiles, the tears, and the cheers from family and loved ones!
Commencement is the culmination of years of hard work, growth, and transformation for our students. It also represents the countless hours that we—faculty, staff, and management—have collectively spent supporting the unique journeys of our students. Each diploma handed to our graduates symbolizes not only their individual triumphs, but also the support they received from all of the employees of the District, their families, friends, and loved ones.
As we prepare to celebrate this milestone, we unwaveringly honor and respect the tenets of free speech, academic freedom, and view peaceful protests a vital part of civic and public education. We support students, staff, and faculty in nonviolent protests and we remain steadfast in upholding this commitment.
Commencement is a joyous and meaningful celebration for our entire community. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our students’ success. We look forward to coming together to celebrate their accomplishments and help launch the next chapter of their lives.
Click below for details about our campus commencement ceremonies:
Cañada College
College of San Mateo
Skyline College

Classified Employee Week
In honor of this week being Classified Employee Week, we pause to recognize and appreciate the indispensable contributions of our classified staff within the District.
Commitment to excellence, professionalism, and unwavering dedication are the threads that weave our educational community together. Whether it’s the ITS professional who works through a holiday break to prepare computer labs for the next semester, the division assistant who efficiently manages schedules, the groundskeeper maintaining our beautiful campuses, or the program services coordinator supporting students with delight, each member of our classified staff contributes to the holistic advancement and success of our students.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our classified staff for their tireless efforts in empowering generations of learners. Your hard work, resilience, and commitment inspire us every day, and we are privileged to have you on the team!

Honoring 25 Years of Dedication
On Tuesday, April 30, we had the distinct pleasure of celebrating a truly remarkable occasion: honoring our employees who have dedicated 25 years of their lives to serving the District. How significant! From classrooms to administrative offices, from human resources to counseling, their presence for many years in our District have, without a doubt, left an indelible mark on colleagues, students, and our community.
It was an event filled with warmth, camaraderie, and heartfelt appreciation as colleagues came together to celebrate each other’s commitment and contributions. As attendees mingled and reminisced, there was a palpable sense of gratitude and admiration for the milestones achieved and the challenges overcome together. Stories were shared, laughter echoed throughout the room, and friendships were reaffirmed, all against the backdrop of a shared journey marked by dedication and passion.

District Academic Senate Election Results
Please join us in congratulating our newly elected District Academic Senate Officers for the 2024–25 Academic Year!
District Academic Senate President
David Eck, Philosophy Faculty, Cañada College

David has served in Academic Senate leadership as both Cañada’s Vice President and President for five years. David believes that as a faculty body, our biggest impact happens when we are united. Next year, David’s priorities will be to continue improving how District Academic Senate communicates with faculty and help us navigate the most urgent challenges that are impacting all three of our colleges.
David will serve one year as President. After his term of service he will move into the role of Past President (Clerk) for the 2025–26 Academic Year.
District Academic Senate President Elect (Vice President)
Todd Windisch, ESL Faculty, College of San Mateo

Todd is currently the Academic Senate President of College of San Mateo and will continue in this role while serving as President Elect for the District Academic Senate. In his first year as CSM Academic Senate President, Todd has led an action-focused senate that advocates for students and faculty. Todd’s primary goal in his role of President Elect is to lift up ALL faculty voices and to ensure that faculty purview over 10+1 is not only heard, but also valued and respected. Todd is looking forward to striking a balance between pushing for truth and accountability between faculty and the administration while also remaining approachable. He looks forward to continuing to cultivate an environment of collegiality and respect.
Todd will serve one year as President Elect. After his term of service he will move into the role of President for the 2025–26 Academic Year.
Personnel Updates
College of San Mateo President Announced

Pending Board of Trustees approval this Wednesday night, Dr. Manuel Alejandro Pérez has been selected as the new CSM President. Dr. Pérez brings 20 years of professional experience in higher education, from his doctoral work in education to his teaching work in social justice, international and multicultural studies, and the performing arts, to developing a career in the community college system, and now currently serving as the Vice President of Student Services at Cañada College. He is the first queer identified and Latino President in the District. His start date is planned for July 1, 2024. Read the full announcement.
Upcoming Skyline College President Search
The search for Skyline College’s permanent President will begin at the start of the fall semester and conclude by the end of the year. More updates will follow as details emerge.
Interim District Budget Officer
Judy Hutchinson is serving in the role of Acting District Budget Officer while Peter Fitzsimmons is the Interim CFO. Previously, she served as the College Business Officer at Skyline College since 2015. Her higher education experience includes finance positions at the University of California, Berkeley and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District. She looks forward to collaborating with and supporting the three colleges, Facilities, and the District Office in this role.
Board Corner
“The Board Corner” is a regular feature of this blog to help you stay informed about discussions and decisions that frequently impact our work. Giving up a Wednesday evening to watch a board meeting may not be feasible for everyone, so we have summarized the topics and actions of past Board of Trustees meetings, study sessions, and retreats in an effort to improve transparency. All Board meetings, except retreats, are recorded and posted to the Board Meeting Videos webpage.
Regular Meeting: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
New Business
- 10.1 Approval of Personnel Items (ACTION: Approved)
- 10.2 Vote to Elect Members to the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board (ACTION: Approved and voted on the following candidates: Nan Gomez-Heitzeberg, Kern CCD, Gregory Hanna, Siskiyou CCD, Barbara Calhoun, Compton CCD, Dorothy Battenfeld, Sonoma County JCD, Greg Pensa, Allan Hancock CCD, Deborah Ikeda, State Center CCD, and Milton Richards, Yosemite CCD)
- 10.3 Consideration and Approval of San Mateo County Community College District Chancellor Employment Agreement (ACTION: Approved)
- 10.4 Approval of Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement Between San Mateo County Community College District and the San Mateo Community College Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 1493 (ACTION: Approved)
Consent Agenda (ACTION: All items approved)
- 11.1 Ratification of January and February Warrants
- 11.2 Curricular Additions, Deletions and Modifications – Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College
- 11.3 Curricular Additions, Deletions and Modifications – Community, Continuing, and Corporate Education (CCCE)
- 11.4 Approval of Contract Award for Districtwide Boiler Maintenance Services (Non-sole source, lowest bidder)
- 11.5 Approval of Contract Award for Architectural Services for Skyline College Sports Fields Replacement Project (Non-sole source, lowest bidder)
- 11.6 Approval of Contract Award for Construction Services for Skyline College Building 3/7 Exhaust Fans and Building 7 HVAC Project (Non-sole source, lowest bidder)
- 11.7 SMCCCD and Cabrillo USD College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
- 11.8 SMCCCD and Jefferson UHSD College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
- 11.9 SMCCCD and LaHonda-Pescadero USD College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
- 11.10 SMCCCD and San Mateo UHSD College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
- 11.11 SMCCCD and Sequoia UHSD College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
- 11.12 SMCCCD and South San Francisco USD College and Career Pathways (CCAP) Agreement
- 11.13 Adoption of 2024 Heritage Month Calendar
Other Recommendations
- 12.1 Adoption of Resolution No. 24-02B: Approving Compensation for Absent Board Members (ACTION: Approved)
- 12.2 Adoption of Resolution 24-06: Resolution in Honor of National Arab American Heritage Month (ACTION: Approved)
- 12.3 Consideration of Support for SB 895 (Roth) – Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing Pilot Program at Community Colleges (ACTION: Approved)
- 12.4 Authorization to Execute Contract with an Energy Service Provider for Provision of Non-Core Natural Gas Energy Services District-wide (ACTION: Approved)
Regular Meeting: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
New Business
- 12.1 Approval of Personnel Items (ACTION: Approved)
- 12.2 Vote to Elect Members to the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board (ACTION: No action taken. This item was tabled.)
Consent Agenda (ACTION: All items approved)
- 13.1 Acceptance of English Language Learner (ELL) Healthcare Pathways Funds for Skyline College, College of San Mateo, and Cañada College
- 13.2 Acceptance of 2024 American Passport Project Grant Funding Through Institute of International Education
- 13.3 Curricular Additions, Deletions and Modifications – Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College
- 13.4 Approval for Extension of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Regents of the University of California for Facilities Use and Fire Camera Network – Districtwide
- 13.5 Approval of Single Source Contract Renewal with One Identity, LLC (One Login)
Other Recommendations
- 14.1 Adoption of Resolution 24-05: Resolution in Honor of Women’s History Month (ACTION: Approved)
- 14.2 Modification of Board Meeting Schedule for August 2024
- (ACTION: Approved; August Board Retreat removed)
- 14.3 Proposed Ad Hoc Committee for Mission Statement (ACTION: Approved as amended; committee to do both the Values and Mission Statement; Trustee Petrides and Trustee Lee approved to be on Ad Hoc Committee)
- 14.4 Approval of Agreement with Solov Advocacy, LLC for Advocacy Services (ACTION: Approved for one year, but review agreement again before renewing for additional year)
- 14.5 Approval of Contract Award for Architectural Services for College of San Mateo Building 30 Renovation Project (ACTION: Approved)
- 14.6 Adoption of Equal Employment Opportunity 2023 – 2026 Draft Plan (ACTION: Approved)